A 16 Year Old Teen Cell Phone Contract

written by Fred Campos
16 Year Old Teen Cell Phone Contract

[L]ast year I shared my Family Phone Contract with My Teen, which I have constantly revised as Caitlyn has gotten older. Three years later, I thought I would share my latest addendum to that contract.

Fred’s 16 Year Old Teen Cell Phone Contract

My Dearest Caitlyn, I am very pleased with the improvement of grades this past six weeks of three A’s and one B. This is a metamorphic improvement of the previous six weeks from which we had a failing grade. Please keep up the good work and continue to make school and band a priority. Below are the revised access times with your cell phone. This is an addendum to our previous agreement.

Phone Access:
• Monday – Thursday 4:30p – 8:30p
• Friday 4:30p – 10p
• Saturday 10a – 10p
• Sunday 10a – 8:30p

Furthermore, you are now granted Facebook on your phone as well.
With more access and distractions comes more responsibilities. So you must…

  1. Make your school work and band practice a priority in life.
  2. Maintain current grade of 80% in all four classes this six weeks.
  3. For band, your goal is 2nd band placement and a primary marching spot.
  4. You must play your clarinet daily.
  5. Your time on the phone must be edifying, positive, no R-rated anything. Including but not limited to reading, and searching no matter who you are with or your location. Who you are is who you are when nobody is looking.
  6. On Facebook, all posting, commenting, and picture taking must be positive, edifying and uplifting. This goes for anything your friends post on your wall, chat or comment. You are responsible for their conduct on your Facebook as well. Remember all Daddy’s school board friends are watching.
  7. You loving Daddy will edit and review your Facebook activity for a six weeks to help in this new found freedom.
  8. Your phone will be turned in each school night Sunday through Thursday at 8:30p and 9p on Fridays and Saturdays.

Signed “Your Loving Custodial Mafia Father” and “The Awesome Teenager.”

Parents, what are your thoughts? What would you add?



    • Fred Campos / @FullCustodyDad


      Yes, you and I think very much alike. I believe my original post on the subject was very similar to yours. 🙂 Great blog, thanks for the link!

      • Steve Patterson

        Yeap, you cannot be too careful, especially with technology and predators out there. I see a lot of people now not giving smart phones but just the old flip phone with text and calls only. No data, no pictures, camera, etc. You are welcome for the link. Have a blessed day.

  1. Andi

    Did you mean “Meteoric” – that her improvement was fast?

    • Fred Campos / FullCustodyDad

      Oh good catch, I meant “metamorphic” as in heat and pressure changed her so much I said, “Hey, is this the same daughter?” Good catch, correcting it in the blog. It was auto correct, yea, blame it on auto correct. *hehe*


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