Erectile Dysfunction & Smoking

Erectile Dysfunction & Smoking

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a widespread and often silent epidemic that affects millions of men worldwide. Although several factors can contribute to ED, smoking is one of the main and often overlooked causes. In this insightful article, we take a closer look at the...
How to Win Spouses & Bedtime Little People

How to Win Spouses & Bedtime Little People

[I]f you look closely at my goals, you’ll notice I need a lot of help in the “Date Nights” with SuperParentMom department. I married up the food chain and my wife is a trooper, especially being a step-mom, but I need to make her more of a priority....
My Failed Macho Experience Grocery Shopping

My Failed Macho Experience Grocery Shopping

The other night, SuperParentMom was feeling under the weather. And she said those five dreaded words any non-shopping husband like me, wants to hear… “Please go to the store.” But after being married for 13 years, I could tell this was serious and she was NOT feeling...