Preparing Yourself and Your Child for Their Educational Experience

written by Fred Campos
Educational Experience

[G]etting your little one ready for school is a big deal. Most people don’t take into account the preparation that often goes into securing them a place in the school of your choice and ensuring that they’re ready to spend hours at a time away from you. Here are some tips and tricks to prepare both of you, so that you’re both rearing and ready to go when the time comes!

Educational Experience Begins with Choosing a School

Sending your little one off to school isn’t as simple as merely choosing the closest institution, packing their school bag and waving them off on the first day. There are plenty of choices that you need to consider well in advance. While there are certain rules that have to be followed (your child should begin their compulsory schooling around the age of four or five, and they must continue to attend until the age of eighteen), the school district that you send them to attend is more of a personal matter. The two main options that you should consider are a public school and a private school. If you send your child to a public school, they will be local and nearby, as you will have to apply to the school zone area you fall into. The schooling will also be free, as it is mostly state-funded, and you will only be asked for voluntary contributions towards resources, excursions, and meals. Personally, I find this as an excellent option, as I serve our local public education school board, but that’s another subject.

Your other choice is to send your child to a mixed of private school options, an all girls private school, or an all-boys private school. When it comes to private schools, you can apply to any school you like. At the end of the day, you will be paying your child’s full tuition fees which comes hand in hand with more freedom of choice. Both public and private schools tend to offer similar curriculums, but private schools tend to offer religious and specialty options that can be better suited for some students. If in doubt as to which type of educational track that would suit your needs and your child’s needs best, feel free to participate in open house days which will allow you to see what’s on offer yourself!

Getting Ready for the First Day

Once you’ve settled on a particular school and have enrolled Johnny, you need to start getting ready for their first day. This, of course, can be quite intimidating for both of you. As Sally will still be young when they first start school, you may not be used to spending such extended periods of time apart from each other. To make the process as comfortable and happy as possible, you should start ensuring that Johnny is ready for the classroom environment and atmosphere well in advance. The most elementary school require that Johnny be potty trained (remembering to wipe, flush, and wash their hands), can put their own coat on and can get changed for PE unassisted if necessary. Hopefully, Sally can recognize her own name when written down, eat independently (using silverware), and be able to listen to others, sit still, and listen when being spoken to. This will reduce any difficulties and give your kids a wonderful experience without issues.

Hopefully, these small pieces of advice will help you and your little one to ease into the schooling and educational experience as seamlessly as possible!

What additional advice would you give for children starting school?

Contributed post. Feature image via Pexels.



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