A Dad’s Guide To Dealing With Divorce

written by Fred Campos
Dad's Guide to Dealing with Divorce https://DaddyGotCustody.com

[D]ivorce is not going to be easy, no matter who is involved. It is a tricky process filled with emotions that often can’t be explained, other than that they’re causing a lot of pain and hurt. Even if a divorce is agreed on both sides, there’s still going to be some sort of emotion involved. A life that you once had is about to end, and as soon as you start realizing that, you start realizing what it’ll be like to not be married, and it’s often not what you’ve been thinking! If a divorce is the way you’re heading, here’s how you can deal with it the right way, a way that ensures the best outcome possible.

Dealing with Divorce – Dealing With The Details

The finer details of the whole process is what’s going to upset you the most. While it might have seemed like a divorce is what you wanted, when it actually comes down to it, a lot of people change their mind. However, if you know for sure that you’re going to need to go through with this, then you may need a mediated divorce. This is a process that involves a person learning about your troubles, what you both want from the divorce, and will give you a clear path on how to get it. There will be valuables involved such as a house, a car, and other such property that will need to be divided up between the two of you. You’ll also need to think about the kids, and who will have the main custody over them. If you feel as though you deserve more time, try and fight for it. It’s often the case that the mothers get custody when the father is just as deserving, and harsh restrictions can be given. Your most prized asset is your children, so make sure you’re fighting for them as much as possible.

Dealing With Emotions

Your emotions are going to ride high. Men don’t often like to show emotions, and there aren’t many situations that will actually make a man emotional. However, divorce is most likely going to be one of them, especially if it wasn’t you that filed for the divorce. Realize that divorce is an emotional rollercoaster and that you may go through stages similar to that of death. Grief, denial, and anger are all part of the emotional process.

Dealing with Divorce – Dealing With The Future

The future is going to be scary, purely because you don’t know what the future is going to hold for you. Our best advice is to stay positive, keep yourself busy, and find a way to enjoy your new life as a single parent. Life isn’t going to be as hard as you would think, and new doors are going to open quicker than your old door closed. Get back on the market as soon as you’re ready, but most of all, enjoy the alone time you’re going to be able to spend with your children as and when you can.

What areas would you add in deal with divorce?

Contributed post. Feature image via Flickr.



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